Entrepreneur Manual
Entrepreneur Manual Section 1 - Intro
Milestone 1: Selecting a Business That's Right for You
Milestone 2: Testing Your New Business Idea
Milestone 3: Clarifying Your Vision and Goals
Entrepreneur Manual Section 2 - Starting a Successful Business
Milestone 1: Selecting Your Ideal Customer
Milestone 2: Positioning Your Business Competitively
Milestone 3: Developing Your Promotional Campaign
Milestone 4: Getting Networked and Attracting Customers
Milestone 5: Winning New Business
Milestone 6: Designing Your Business to Exceed Customer Expectations
Milestone 7: Delivering Exceptional Products and Services
Milestone 8: Using Technology to Create an Advantage
Milestone 9: Building Your Start-up Budget
Milestone 10: Planning Your Investment and Funding Requirements
Milestone 11: Managing Your Financial Success
Entrepreneur Manual Section 3 - Growing a Profitable Business
Milestone 1: Clarifying Your Vision and Growth Goals
Milestone 2: Conducting Market Research and Building Competitive Intelligence
Milestone 3: Targeting Highly Profitable Customers
Milestone 4: Getting Networked and Attracting Customers
Milestone 5: Creating a Promotional Plan for Growth
Milestone 6: Expanding Your Sales and Distribution Capability
Milestone 7: Creating New Products and Services
Milestone 8: Attracting Top Talent
Milestone 9: Retaining Top Talent
Milestone 10: Delivering Great Service to Customers
Milestone 11: Managing Your Finances to Achieve Profitable Growth
Milestone 12: Financing Profitable Growth
Entrepreneur Manual Section 4 - Selling Your Business
Milestone 1: Developing an Exit Strategy
Milestone 2: Positioning Your Business for Sale
Milestone 3: Managing the Sale of Your Business